A series of workshops, introducing kids to various visual art techniques: from watercolor painting to drawing with pencil, charcoal or ink, from mono print to sculpting with wire and plaster.
Ages: 6-11
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-3 pm
$30 per 2 hours or $200 per month (materials included)
6 Vernon Street, Vernon Street Studios, 3rd floor,
Studio #52B
Please fill out and sign up for the class!
Kai is drawing with ink and watercolor.
Nathanial, 6 years old. Watercolor, acrylic ink, charcoal, pastel on paper.
Nathanial and Eliot painting “en plain air” with watercolor.
Eliot. Watercolor on paper.
“Katya and the turkey” by Kai. Ink on paper.
Eliot, ink on Bristol paper.
Eliot, 9 years old. Watercolor, acrylic ink, charcoal, pastel on Bristol paper.
Drawing by Nathanial. Electric marker-pen (made by Nathanial).
Nathanial. Electric marker-pen drawing, watercolor on paper.
Nathanial, 6 years old. Electric marker-pen drawing, watercolor on paper.
Joanna, 6 years old. Ink and watercolor on paper.
Teaching art at the Armory, Somerville. Jennifer is dancing!
Jennifer is making an alphabet-accordion book. Markers on paper.
Kid exhibit of Monotype prints.
Monotype on paper.
Playing ball with “Perekati pole”.
“Dragon or Dino”, construction paper, acrylic, multi colored tape.
“Perekati pole”, papier mache, acrylic paint.
Hugging “Perekati Pole”.
Acrylic on paper.
Emily. Acrylic on paper.
Working with shadows.
Shadow puppet
Cogitania, “Art and Chemistry”. Plaster gauze and Plaster Paris molds.
In the third “Art and Chemistry” workshop we looked at 3D objects of art with focus on plaster as the medium, its history and appliacations. Students experimented by working with plaster gause, creating replicas of their own hands, as well as learned how to mix Plaster Paris and create simple molds, using plastic containers/packaging.
Shiva, 6 years old. Watercolor and ink on paper.
“Cloud” by Shiva. Pastel and water soluble printing ink on cardboard.
“Triptych”by Shiva. Watercolor, acrylic ink, tape on watercolor paper cold press.
Cogitania, “Art and Chemistry”. Monoprint on Stonehenge paper.
Monoprint test on Newsprint paper using different textures: bubblewrap, rope.